Monday, August 17, 2009

This is what's up.

Here's what we've been up to.... Took Syd on her first camping trip, it was only for the day but we had a blast! Took her to the zoo for the first time, she LOVES animals. Watched the movie " The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland" like, a million times. It's Syds favorite, she points at the tv and says alma alma (that's Elmo). She is growing up way too fast! She only wants to go up and down the stairs like a big person. She's starting to say some words, throw some fits, me and Ryan have a lot on our hands... in a good way. Me and Ryan had our five year anniversary! He surprised me and got off work early and took me to dinner:) We are celebrating more in November, taking a trip to MEXICO! Me and Chels are going to Vegas again at the end of Sept. trying to make it an annual thing. I'm super excited!